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August 13, 2024

West Grey Mayor reprimanded for comments made against South Bruce Grey Health Centre CEO

West Grey Mayor Kevin Eccles

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — In an Integrity Commissioner's report presented to West Grey Council on August 13, Mayor Kevin Eccles was found in breach of the Municipal Code of Conduct. The finding stems from emotionally-charged comments made by Eccles in response to the South Bruce Grey Health Centre (SBGHC) Board decision to transfer 10 inpatient beds from the Durham hospital site to the Walkerton and Kincardine sites.

The investigation by Integrity Commissioner Janice Atwood-Petkovski was conducted following a complaint made by the SBGHC and its CEO/President Nancy Shaw which alleged Mayor Eccles publicly made incendiary statements that were physically threatening towards the CEO/President personally.

In her report, the Commissioner agreed with the complainant and went on to say that Eccles' remarks threatened the safety of Ms. Shaw, amounting to intimidation and constituted acts of physical violence.

Councillor Doug Townsend tried to downplay the Mayor's misstep, alleging that the complaint was part of "a game to discredit the mayor and distract from trying to close our hospital." In a lengthy defence, Townsend claimed that "everyone takes offence too easily" and that society "coddles people who are easily offended." He added that West Grey citizens are not so unbalanced as to act on such idle threats spoken in the heat of a moment.

But Atwood-Petkovski rebutted his remarks saying that it only takes one person to take such threats to heart and act upon them. In her report, the Commissioner claimed that "there are now individuals attending the Health Centre who ask for the CEO by name in what staff fear is a menacing manner, and some senior administrators of the Health Centre have experienced threats against them."

"It is unacceptable to be making those threatening comments to a fellow civil servant," said Atwood-Petkovski. "They added nothing of value to the discussion."

For his part, Mayor Eccles apologized for the first of his offensive remarks. "Using the phrase I did was inappropriate. I apologize to all who I have offended," said Eccles. "I will continue to improve and be conscious of my choice of words going forward." He claimed that the second remark was made during a radio interview and was taken out of context.

The Commissioner's recommendation to Council called for a two-week suspension of the Mayor's pay. In a 4-2 decision, Council decided to forego the suspension of pay and simply reprimand the Mayor, some noting his stated remorse.

To read the full report, visit online report.


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