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in Chatsworth, Grey Highlands, Southgate, West Grey

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Grey County Reads
Annesley Events

September 30, 2024

A baker’s dozen of local authors at West Grey Library’s For the Love of Reading event

For the Love of Reading poster

It must be something in the water. How else to account for the wealth of writing talent in the area? Some of these authors will be part of For the Love of Reading, the West Grey Library’s all-day literary event on Saturday, October 5 , at the Durham Town Hall on George St, which kick-starts with a local author book sale at 11 am.

From mystery to historical fiction to essays to creative non-fiction to memoir, thirteen authors will be represented throughout the day, including panellists Alanna Rusnak, the Library’s author/publisher-in-residence; Barbara MacLean, author of Shepherd’s Sight; J.K. Gravier, author of Blood Machines; Susan Cullen, author of The World Collective series; Thanh Campbell, author of Orphan 32; and Dan Needles, author of The Wingfield plays and, most recently, Finding Larkspur: a Return to Village Life.

Dan’s appearance at 7 pm on Saturday, October 5, ends a full day of literary treats including the local author book sale, and proceeding through a visit with author Thanh Campbell, author of Orphan 32, an entrant in Grey County Reads; a local author ‘spotlight’, 10 minutes from each author to introduce you to them and their works; and The Writer as Reader, a panel of local authors, featuring Susan Cullen, Barbara MacLean, Alanna Rusnak, and J.K. Gravier, whose works range from dystopian YA to rural memoir! Then Literary Fare, a fundraiser for the Library that’s catered by Grazing in Grey, and finally Dan Needles.

The book sale and author spotlight are offered at no charge; tickets to other literary events are $15 and to the meal is $30. A full-day wristband is available for $60, admission to all events plus the meal. If you’re there between 11 am and 1 pm, you are also eligible to enter a draw for a Late-night Readers’ prize basket!

For more information, visit Eventbrite (all-access or visit individual events) , the Library’s website, phone (519-369-2107) or email

The Friends of the West Grey Library’s popular Book Sale is coming up!

Once again, the Durham Town Hall is the site for this popular event, 1 - 7 pm on Friday, October 18 and then again Saturday October 19, 9 am - 4 pm. Friends of the Library volunteers have said they are always grateful for both the donations and the turn-out, but the friendly volunteers make the whole experience even better.

Proceeds from the sale support programs at all library branches in West Grey. Most recently the Friends of the West Grey Library have sponsored the Take and Make adult craft kits and Grab and Go craft kits for children ages 3 to 12, which have been very popular programs with all ages.

Sale items include DVDs and books for all ages, both fiction and non-fiction. Arrive early for best selection!


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