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August 25, 2021

West Grey Police report to August 12, 2021

West Grey Police SUV.

During the period of July 29 to August 12, 2021, the West Grey Police Service responded to 174 total calls for service.

Officers responded to 18 Traffic Complaints / Enforcements with 11 Motor Vehicle Collisions, 32 Police Assistance and 11 Suspicious Persons Complaints. Officers prevented Breach of the Peace at 4 calls and attended at 2 Family / Domestic Disputes. Police provided assistance and de-escalation at 2 Mental Health Act calls while also responding to 11 911 calls and assisting ambulance or fire 4 times.

West Grey Police also removed 7 unwanted persons from various locations.

Criminal Investigations (C.I.B.) and Street Crime Unit (S.C.U.) executed 7 arrest warrants and continue to investigate 2 Assaults that occurred in West Grey as well as a number of other occurrences including:

Robbery / Home Invasion that occurred on August 7, 2021. Officers responded to a Durham address after suspects used a sledge hammer to gain entry to the residence, then assaulted an occupant with a weapon. The suspects who all wore balaclavas fled the area in a stolen vehicle. A multi-jurisdictional investigation is ongoing.

(If have any information on any crime or wanted person you are asked to contact the West Grey Police at 519 369 3046 or Crime Stoppers at 1 800 222 TIPS – You may be eligible for a cash reward!)

  • On July 30, 2021 a 27-year-old male from Saugeen Shores was arrested and charged with Possession of Purple Fentanyl. He was processed and released and will appear in Walkerton Court of Justice in September. 
  • On August 1, 2021 members of West Grey Police arrested a 40-year-old male formerly of West Grey with multiple counts of Sexual Assault. The accused was remanded and remains in custody. No further information will be released to protect the victim(s). 
  • On August 3, 2021 a 34 year-old female attended and entered a residence unexpectedly. The subject helped herself to food and drink, then refused to leave when directed by the owners. WGPS attended and arrested the female. She was transported to police headquarters, lodged in cells and later released on numerous Provincial Offence Notices. 
  • On August 3, 2021 an Arrest Warrant has been issued for a 43 –year-old female for Bail Violation after failing to comply with the conditions of a release order related to her arrest for Criminal Negligence Causing Death. 
  • On August 5, 2021 a 24-year-old from Richmond Hill, Ontario was arrested and charged with domestic assault. Further investigation revealed that the accused is currently on release for over 20 criminal charges including human trafficking, weapons and drug offences. He was held for a Bail Hearing and was Remanded into Custody. West Grey Police continue to work closely with several other police agencies concerning this person. 
  • On August 7, 2021 West Grey Police, West Grey Fire Department, Grey County Paramedics were called to the scene of Motor Vehicle Collision involving 2 vehicles at the intersection of Grey County Road 10 and Concession 16. Two persons were airlifted to area Trauma Centres. Ontario Provincial Police – Technical Traffic Investigations Unit are assisting with the ongoing investigation. Charges are pending. 
  • On August 9, 2021 a 39-year-old female was arrested and charged with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle and Drive Over 80 after she was found to have 4 times the legal limit of alcohol in her system. The accused was later released on an Undertaking and will appear in Walkerton Court of Justice in September. 
  • On August 9, 2021 police responded to a Theft in Progress at a local commercial store in the Town of Durham. The suspect had fled but was identified by store staff and is well known to police. As a result of investigation an Arrest Warrant has been sought for a 23-year-old male from Durham. 

COVID 19 Update

West Grey Police responded to 4 COVID 19 related calls for service the past week.

Ontario continues with the Reopening of Ontario. Learn more about what this means for you.


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