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January 22, 2025

West Grey approves 2025 budget with a blended tax increase of 8.6%

West Grey logo over building in background.

January 14, 2025, Council approved the 2025 municipal budget, which allocates funds for significant investments in key areas such as infrastructure, community development, and other major projects. The 2025 West Grey budget maintains existing service levels, advocates for rural health care, plans for growth, and commits funding for infrastructure. Specifically, it ensures that vital services residents rely on continue without disruption. 

The budget also emphasizes the importance of keeping our local hospital operational, which is a significant concern for our community. It also outlines plans to ensure that the Municipality can expand sustainably. 

Funds for crucial infrastructure projects, including maintenance and upgrades to roads, bridges, and public facilities, which are essential for the community’s well-being and progress were allocated.

West Grey’s total capital and operating budget amounts to just over $33.69 million, representing an 8.6 percent blended tax increase (encompassing municipal, county, and education taxes). For residential ratepayers, the 2025 increase translates to an additional $120 per $100,000 of residential assessment, based on 2016 assessments.

Some key highlights from the 2025 budget include:

  • completion of the new police station
  • new pumper fire truck for the Durham station
  • replacement of Bridge 44 on the Northline in Glenelg
  • diesel exhaust removal systems for the Durham and Ayton fire stations
  •  new plow truck for the Bentinck public works depot.

"Setting the annual municipal budget is complex," said Mayor Kevin Eccles. "West Grey Council has focused on current community needs and future preparation. Despite rising infrastructure costs, bridge maintenance, and other pressures, Council is committed to allocating resources to strategically support identified priorities in a fiscally responsible manner."

For more details, visit


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