in Chatsworth, Grey Highlands, Southgate, West Grey
November 07, 2024
Rockwood Terrace, Grey County’s long-term care home in Durham, celebrated its 40th anniversary this year. In October, the home’s residents, resident family members, county staff, and local dignitaries including Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound MPP Rick Byers, Grey County Warden Brian Milne, and West Grey Mayor Kevin Eccles visited Rockwood Terrace to celebrate the milestone. Speeches recognized the home’s history, and the home’s caring and compassionate staff were thanked for their dedication.
“Forty years ago, Rockwood Terrace opened its doors with a mission to provide quality care and a nurturing environment for our senior community,” said Grey County Warden Brian Milne. “Over the years, it has become much more than a long-term care facility — it has become a true home and community for the residents, their families, and our incredible long-term care staff. The walls of Rockwood Terrace have witnessed countless stories of love, compassion, and resiliency, and from what I’ve heard and seen today it continues to be the place where people genuinely feel right at home.”
Throughout the home, Rockwood Terrace staff displayed pictures and newspaper clippings of residents, resident family members, and events from years past, as well as facilitated programs throughout the month of October in celebration of the significant anniversary. These events and programs included an 80’s dress up day, trivia cards about Rockwood Terrace’s history posted throughout the home, and much more.
As cupcakes and punch were being distributed to guests and residents, Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) Coordinator Karen Pink — a staff member who has worked at Rockwood Terrace since it opened 40 years ago — celebrated the milestone with her co-workers and reminisced about time spent at Rockwood. Staff mixed and mingled with residents and guests, sharing memories of past holidays, celebrations, and cherished moments.
While the 40th anniversary celebrations wrapped up at the end of October, Grey County is looking to the future, with construction underway of the new 128-bed Rockwood Terrace long-term care home directly behind the current facility in Durham. The project is on track to welcome residents by early 2027.
“As we celebrate the past, we must also look towards the future of Grey County’s long-term care homes. Grey County is committed to continuing to provide excellent long-term care in the community of Durham,” said Warden Milne. “The new home has been designed around resident-centred care and creating spaces that feel like communities — something that we all deeply value. It will be a place where residents and their families will continue to enjoy the highest quality of care, surrounded by our compassionate staff and supportive caregivers. This investment by Grey reflects the community’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of our seniors and those who need long-term care services.”
To learn more about the Rockwood Terrace construction project, visit Grey County’s website.
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