in Chatsworth, Grey Highlands, Southgate, West Grey
November 16, 2021
A new ambulance entrance to the Emergency Department at South Bruce Grey Health Centre’s (SBGHC) Durham hospital site is now open for use by Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and funeral homes.
The new entrance is a small addition on the west side of the hospital that includes a canopy and enclosed corridor and leads to an entrance at the back of the Emergency Department. The majority of the project cost of $185,000 has been generously funded by the Durham Hospital Foundation through local fundraising, grants and a $28,000 contribution from SBGHC for engineering costs.
Prior to having a separate entrance, the main entrance to the Emergency Department for patients and visitors was also used by EMS and funeral homes.
To celebrate the official opening of the EMS entrance, and to recognize the support of the Durham Hospital Foundation, SBGHC Board Members, Grey County EMS and local municipal and provincial partners attended a tour of the new space on Monday, November 15th.
“Creating a second, separate entrance to the Emergency Department will provide a better experience for patients arriving at the hospital in an emergency situation, allowing for privacy and direct access to the department during an already stressful and vulnerable time,” says Michael Barrett, SBGHC President & CEO. “The ongoing support of the Durham Hospital Foundation has made this project possible, and SBGHC appreciates the Foundation’s significant contribution to improve the experience of the patients we serve.”
“We are very grateful to the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Foundation and the FCC-AgriSpirit Fund for their generous grants. These funders significantly helped ensure the completion of this project to enhance patient flow, ensure patient privacy and meet community health care needs into the future,” Raj Rajput, Foundation Chair and President.
Photo L-R: Chief Rob Martin – West Grey Police, Kyle Stewart – Grey County Paramedic Services, Craig Emke – SBGHC Corporate Facilities Manager, Stephanie Douglas – SBGHC Corporate Planner, Drew Braithwaite – SBGHC VP Corporate Services / Chief Financial Officer, Christine Robinson – West Grey Mayor, Michael Barrett – SBGHC President & CEO, Bill Heikkila – SBGHC Board Chair, John Haggarty – SBGHC Board Member, Dean Dunn – SBGHC Board Member, Charmaine Owens – Durham Hospital Foundation Board Member, Bill Walker – MPP Bruce-Grey-Owen Sound, Anne Marie Watson -Durham Hospital Foundation Executive Director, Rajinder Rajput – Durham Hospital Foundation President
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