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July 26, 2023

King Charles first 100 days examined at Annesley event

King Charles with Nathan Tidridge

BY SOUTHGREY.CA STAFF — As the popular British motivational meme "Keep calm and carry on" suggests, newly anointed King Charles III has similarly deported himself during his first one hundred days as leader of the Commonwealth. Amid calls for the end of the British monarchy and the unrelenting airing of family laundry, the Garden King has remained stoic and the public turned acquiescent.

Initial discussions about the stark difference in popularity between Queen Elizabeth and her heir had almost overshadowed the new King and Queen Consort's crowning ceremony this past Spring. But just as several anti-monarchy protests were successfully kept away from the viewing public on that day, so too, has negative opinion been diminished in the face of immutable tradition.

Nathan Tidridge, historian, author of Canada's Constitutional Monarchy and host of The Crown in Canada podcast, was on the grounds of Westminster Abbey to witness firsthand, the historic coronation event and surrounding hoopla. One of a small contingent of Canadians granted access to the King at that time, he has agreed to share his experiences and his impressions upon meeting the man at the centre of it all, with an interested audience Wednesday, August 2 at 7 pm.

Nathan has authored six books, chapters, many articles and is the host of the podcast The Crown in Canada, chronicling the monarchy's relationships with Indigenous Peoples, as well as Canadian identity and local history. Nathan has been published in The Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Maclean's Magazine, The Public Policy & Governance Review and appeared on a number of television and radio programs.

King Charles' First 100 Days is another instalment of the Annesley Speaker Series and will take place at 7 pm at the Annesley United Church in Markdale, August 2. Admission is free with donation.

The evening will inform those who are eager to know, just what it was like during that frenzied week in May and how the new King and Queen Consort have adjusted to their upgraded status. Nathan will also enlighten the crowd on what to expect, regarding the Crown's relationship to this country.

Nathan Tidridge will bring his books for purchase and to have him sign. He is also eager to take questions and discuss the monarchy. Attendance is free. Donations accepted.


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