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February 27, 2024

Charges laid following separate intimate partner violence investigations

OPP logo and red emergency light.

Seven individuals were charged following an investigation into separate incidents of intimate partner violence resulting in sixteen charges.

1. On February 14, 2024, at 10:14 pm, the Grey Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) received a third-party complaint of a dispute in Southgate Township. It was determined that two individuals engaged in a physical altercation and property of the victim was damaged.

A 27-year-old from Southgate Township was charged with:

  • Assault
  • Mischief

The accused is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Owen Sound at a later date.

2. On February 16, 2024, at 9:21 am, the Grey Bruce OPP received a third-party complaint of a verbal domestic dispute in the Municipality of Grey Highlands. It was determined that two individuals engaged in a verbal confrontation when some property in the residence was damaged.

A 29-year-old from Waterloo Region was charged with:

  • Mischief

The accused is scheduled to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Owen Sound at a later date.

3. On February 16, 2024, at 10:35 pm, the Grey Bruce OPP received a report of an altercation that occurred in the Municipality of Grey Highlands. It was determined that two individuals engaged in a confrontation and some property belonging to the victim was damaged.

A 24-year-old of Grey Highlands was charged with:

  • Assault with a weapon
  • Uttering Threats - Cause death or bodily harm
  • Mischief under $5000

The accused was held for a bail hearing.

4. On February 18, 2024, at 6:25 pm, the Grey Bruce Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) investigated a threats complaint in Georgian Bluffs. It was determined that two individuals engaged in a confrontation on social media.

A 24-year-old from Clearview Township is charged with:

  • Uttering threats - cause death or bodily harm
  • Criminal harassment X2
  • Failure to comply with undertaking
  • Failure to comply with release order

The accused was held for bail hearing.

5. On February 20, 2024, at 7:49 am, the Grey Bruce OPP investigated an assault on Neyaashiinigmiing. It was determined that an altercation occurred resulting in a physical assault.

A 53-year-old from Neyaashiinigmiing is charged with:

  • Assault cause bodily harm X2

The accused is to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice at a later date.

6. On February 21, 2024, at 7:18 am, the Grey Bruce OPP investigated a traffic complaint in South Bruce Peninsula.

A 49-year-old from South Bruce Peninsula is charged with:

  • Dangerous operation

The accused was held for a bail hearing.

7. On February 22, 2024, at 4:47 pm, the Grey Bruce OPP responded to an assault that occurred during a child custody dispute in Georgian Bluffs.

A 29-year-old from Owen Sound was charged with:

  • Assault
  • Mischief

The accused is to appear at the Ontario Court of Justice at a later date.

Individuals experiencing intimate partner violence are not alone. If you or someone you are aware of requires assistance, there are local resources ready to provide support. Victim Services Bruce Grey Perth can be contacted at 1-866-376-9852.

The OPP is available at 1-888-310-1122 throughout the Province of Ontario. In case of immediate danger please call 911.


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