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January 23, 2025

A genial expert has a bone to pick with you about osteoporosis

Judy Porteous presentation event poster

BY JOHN BUTLER — In her teen years, Judy Porteous had a conversation about her future with her mother. They agreed her future lay either in health services (possibly physiotherapy) or in teaching.

A few decades later, and Judy is nearing her nineteenth year melding healthcare and teaching — and adding community development to the mix — spreading the message of bone health, osteoporosis prevention and fall prevention across much of western Ontario.

Judy will share both her knowledge and passion at a public presentation at 2:00 pm on Wednesday February 12 at the Kimberley Community Hall, 235309 Grey Road 13, in the village of Kimberley (doors open at 1:30). Entitled Bone Health 101: Preventing Fractures, Saving Lives, Staying Independent, the presentation is free and open to everyone. It’s the latest in a popular lecture series sponsored as a public service by the Grey Highlands Probus Club in cooperation with the Kimberley Community Association and the Grey Highlands Public Library.

Headquartered in Owen Sound, Judy spreads her knowledge of bone health as the Regional Integration Lead for Bruce, Grey, Dufferin, Huron, Perth and Lambton for the Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy, operated through Osteoporosis Canada.

Judy is quick to talk about the enormity of the problem, drawing a clear connection between weak bones, falls, and the fractures that result from the falls because of fragile bones. A full 95% of hip fractures result from falls, she says — and tragically, one in four women dies within a year after a hip fracture. One in three men suffers the same fate. And Judy points out that it’s a myth that osteoporosis is a 'women’s disease': one in three women, and one in five men, will experience a fracture related to osteoporosis in their lifetime.

Judy notes that, despite these statistics, fall-related fractures and deaths are not well known in our society. “Frankly, you never see this listed as the cause of death in obituaries — it’s a silent thief: bone loss happens and we don’t feel it until it reaches a point where bone is thin and weak and breaks or fractures,” she says.

But these alarming statistics can mask a much more encouraging message, and Judy will also share the hopeful side on February 12th. “There are things we can all do to increase our bone health, and to recover after falls. And the claim that old age inevitably leads to falls and fractures is a myth she intends to dispel. “I try to make it fun” she says, pointing out that as a high school student she didn’t like public speaking, but she has come to love it because of the importance of what she has to say. “Some of the happiest moments in my career,” she says, “have come when I’ve witnessed patients who had trouble accepting the diagnosis of osteoporosis, but whose optimism bloomed when they learned they could do something about it.” Judy asserts too that there are many health care and exercise professionals in the community to help in our journey to stay well. “Reach out to find those resources that could be helpful to you!” she says.

Judy’s work draws heavily on her recognition of the multiple dimensions of heath, a belief honed by her many years in other health related fields. Most of her 50-year career has been spent in health and community care, working with people of all ages. She was for many years a front-line worker with people with developmental challenges, and for 20 years, through the CNIB, she worked with people with vision impairment. “It’s interesting — when I look back on my career, the prevention of falls and fractures came up time and again as something I needed to promote.”

If Judy had a motto for her message, it would be “it’s never too late.” It’s never too late to improve bone and muscle strength and prevent falls. It’s never too late to talk about bone health with each other. It’s never too late to help our friends and family members deal with their bone health. It’s never too late to help reduce their risk of osteoporotic fractures. It’s never too late to prevent a fracture. It’s never too late to feed your bones, move your bones, practice balance, strengthen your muscles, protect your bones and treat your bones if necessary.

Judy is particularly glad to speak to rural and small town friends in Kimberley on February 12. Her own roots are in a rural area just outside the village of Rodney near London. For years she has lived in a rural setting in Chatsworth Township, and some of her spare time is devoted to her local agricultural society. And it was at a country kitchen table, years ago, that she and her mother predicted a career for Judy in the health field or in teaching.

She continues to do both.

For more information about osteoporosis, see the Osteoporosis Canada website. The Ontario Osteoporosis Strategy is at .

Judy Porteous can be contacted at .


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