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January 29, 2025

South Grey organization celebrates Black History Month with sights, sounds, food and friendship

2025 JCI Black History Month agenda

BY JOHN BUTLER — Joan John, founder of JunCtian Community Initiatives (JCI) in Dundalk, wants you to meet a bird as we enter Black History Month. It’s not any old bird — it’s a bird with very special meaning in West African culture, and increasingly in world culture too. Sankofa is its name.

Sankofa is a word in the Akan language of the Ashante people of West Africa. Translated into English with its nuances, it means “moving from our present into our future while staying connected to our past”. Its symbol is a bird, body facing forward, head turned to listen to the past. In its beak it holds an egg — the future. If she grasps the egg too tightly she will crush it. If she grasps it too loosely it will fall and break. But the past teaches her to hold it just right.

Sankofa symbol

Sankofa is an ideal symbol for Black History Month in Canada, says Joan. On January 21 Kamal Khera, Canada’s Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, announced that this year’s theme for Canadian Black History Month (the month of February) is “Black Legacy and Leadership: Celebrating Canadian History and Uplifting Future Generations.”

Grey County’s version of that theme is “Honouring the past, celebrating the present, Inspiring the future,” says Joan. “The image of Sankofa captures all three dimensions — past, present and future.” Joan says her organization, JCI, is also aiming to engage young people in Grey Country in understanding and appreciating Black history.

Rooted in South Grey’s burgeoning Caribbean — Canadian community but serving the broader community too, JCI empowers the community through economic and social programs, focusing on a safe hub where youth and young adults are engaged through arts, culture, education, diversity and inclusion, health and wellness, and other community activities.

“We’re proud of our line-up of events for Black History Month,” says Joan, “and we encourage everyone in the community to take part in them. We thank the Government of Canada for funding for these events, and we’re grateful to a number of community partners that make the events possible.”

The month’s first event is an opening ceremony and dinner, free and open to all, on Saturday February 1 from 4:00 to 7:00 pm at Dundalk United Church. The wide range of dishes served by volunteers will include delectable examples of Caribbean cuisine.

The next event, on Saturday February 15 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at Dundalk’s Ruth Hargrave Memorial Library, is entitled Black Authors in Conversation — an opportunity to engage with creators who use the written form to express their creativity.

On Monday February 17 from 1:00 am to 4:00 pm, Grey Roots Museum and Archives in Owen Sound will host JCI’s Family Day event, including a fashion show (expect vibrant colours), lunch and a Speakers’ Corner. “We’re proud of the continuing partnership between JCI and Grey Roots to promote Black history,” Joan says.

The next day, Tuesday February 18, will involve a 9:00 a.m. Black History Assembly at Grey Highlands Secondary School in Flesherton (not open to the public) — a linchpin in JCI’s commitment to engage youth.

On Friday February 21 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Dundalk United Church will be the site of JCI’s Starz of Southgate & Beyond Concert, showcasing the community’s awesome musical talent.

And rounding out the month’s events will be the Closing Ceremony (reflection, entertainment and closing remarks) from 3:00 to 7:00 pm at Dundalk United Church.

Advance registration is required for these free public events — easy to do via email to or by phone at 519 574-8039. You can visit the JunCtian Community Initiatives Facebook page for information about JCI and its programs.

And if anyone asks how you found out about the events — tell them a little bird told you.


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